Saturday, 25 February 2012

Lowongan Kerja New Armada Magelang 2012

Biggest car body manufactur on South East Asia, based in Magelang, operating in a group with more than 30 companies from any major industry. Our company experienced for 36 years with ISO certificate, in the last couple years our business development has increased significantly, on 2010 and 2011 becoming our transformation years, our young employee will be the part of our transformation, appreciation is the key for our employee.
PT. MAJ is the part of New Armada Group consists of more than 30 companies from any major business.

We are looking for qualified candidates for the position :
Engineering Staff
Jawa Tengah - Magelang

Info Lebih lengkap langsung ke TKP (Tempat Kejadian Pengumuman)


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Monggo diisi komentarnya....@simpang5tv...Matur Nuwun